The Springfield Renaissance School

Renaissance Volunteers Wanted  

We are looking for parent volunteers to help out with our school beautification project! If you have an eye for decorating and love the idea of creating a dynamic bulletin board, we’d love to have your support. Please contact Maria Reyes for more information! 

School Selection for 8th Graders

Any 8th-grade student that wants to consider attending a high school other than Renaissance must complete a form with their parent. The School Selection Process will run from January 9th, 2023 - February 17th, 2023. Parents will be notified by Student Assignment Services around April / May. Read more:

Communication with Renaissance

Bi-Monthly Newsletter: Twice a month a newsletter will be sent to share important updates about events happening at Renaissance and volunteer opportunities for families. You can also receive daily updates on Facebook and our Class Dojo page.

Early Dismissal:  If your child needs to be dismissed early from school, send a note in the morning with the name of the student, the reason for the dismissal, and the time of dismissal. Come to the door to sign the student out. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Arria Coburn, principal,  at (413)750-29292 or email 

We share important updates to Class Dojo. Download the free Class Dojo app on your phone and add a child by finding our school and your child's teacher.  For help with the app contact the school: 413-750-2929.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide a rigorous academic program for college-bound students in a small, personalized setting that impels and supports students to use their minds well, care for themselves and others, and rise to the challenges and duties of citizenship!

Si, Se Puede!